The Architecture of Al-Askari Shrine in the 18th Century Based on Niebuhr’s Pilgrimage Scroll

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Al-Askari Shrine is one of the four Shiite shrines in Iraq. Throughout past centuries, Iranians played a key role in the development and conservation of this shrine. In recent decades, this shrine has undergone alterations, both physically and spiritually, with its historical and religious values, especially those of pilgrimage rituals having shrunk. The recognition of the genuine, authentic status of this shrine is a vital prerequisite in preparinga conservation plan. The present paper asks how the structure and parts of the shrine were before its substantial repairs in the early Qajar period. Among pieces of historical evidence, an illustrated pilgrimage scroll called the Niebuhr scroll is essential in recognising the shrine’s building status before the 18th century. In the present paper, the paintings of the shrine will be interpreted based on the visual language of this scroll. The interpretation also uses some written pieces of historical evidence. The paper proposes that before the 18th century the Al-Askari shrine had two separate parts: first, the mausoleum of the two Imams Ali al-Hadi and Hassan al-Askari (the Mashhad), and second a shrine above the holy Cellar, from where Imam Mahdi’s occultation is believed to have occurred (the Maqam). These two parts were adjacent but segregated. The Mashhad had a chamber with a dome on a high drum, and an arcade around, probably without any minaret and courtyard. The Maqam seemingly was a freestanding monument with a muqarnas dome, and without any courtyards. Unlike today, the access way of the Cellar was through a staircase inside the Maqam and its pilgrimage ritual was fitted with this access way.


Main Subjects

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