Landscape Assessment Framework for Historic Boulevards based on the FVFL Model in Line with the HUL Concept; The Case Study of Tagh-e Bostan (Shahid Shiroudi) Boulevard, Kermanshah

Document Type : Original Article


1 MLA-Department of LA-School of Architecture and Urban Planning-Shahid Beheshti University

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


Tagh-e Bostan is an outstanding historical site among the cultural and historical heritage of Iran and the world. It is demonstrated numerous historical and cultural values intermingling with durable facets of the natural environment. From landscape architecture’s point of view, anomalies in the town’s visual-environmental features have been degraded the quality of the historic urban landscape and the boulevard due to Kermanshah’s urban development, its increasing population, and congestion in the built environment.
This article presents the results of the landscape assessment of the Tagh-e Bostan area and boulevard, and its condition in order to improve the quality of the historic urban landscape of Kermanshah. In this one-year qualitative research, the case study is based on the ‘Fundamental Values and Factors of Landscape’ (FVFL) model as strategic planning and designing framework in landscape architecture under the concept of ‘Historic Urban Landscape’ (HUL).
Methodologically, the three factors of the FVFL model which are natural, artificial, and human activities & Behavioral, are in correspondence with the two main layers of natural and cultural features in the concept of HUL. This combination model has provided a general framework of documentary and field studies for Tagh-e Bostan and its pathology in the historic urban landscape of Kermanshah.
The results showed that the attention to landscape design quality and harmonizing its visual features can develop construction qualities based on vernacular cultural values and particularly natural environment. Also, harmonizing visual features and cultural-natural values play a key role in the improvement of the quality of the urban landscape and historical identity.
A systematic study of landscape and its pathology based on their formational factors with various environmental and climatic conditions are prerequisites of planning and design for improvements in landscape and historic boulevards such as those of Tagh-e Bostan.


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