M Sc, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University
Coping with post-industrial challenges such as transitional economies and globalization, cities witness rapid decline in their downtown areas. These areas are commonly referred to as the central city, inner city, town center, or CBD. They must constantly respond to new demands caused by suburbanization and counter-urbanization processes. Ineffectiveness to meet such demands, leads to socioeconomic decline and urban decay. This in turn increases economic inequity and social deprivation in the city centre. Urban regeneration is an effective means to address these issues. It is based on enhancing the quality of life, expanding social welfare and improving economic prospects. Diverse strategies have been proposed for effective urban regeneration. Leisure and culture-led regeneration is one such strategy which depends on leisure and cultural production; knowledge-based industries; and participatory community programs. It boosts social capital development and strengthens the sense of community. It also relies on heritage and urban tourism as an effective means of urban regeneration. To this end, it advocates urban-business tourism, as well as sport and event-related tourism in cultural and/or historic quarters.
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a Conceptual Framework for Revitalization of Declining City Centers". Soffeh, 25, 4, 2016, 91-112.
Mousavi Khorshidi, R., Nematimehr, M. (2016). 'Leisure and Culture-led Regeneration
a Conceptual Framework for Revitalization of Declining City Centers', Soffeh, 25(4), pp. 91-112.
Mousavi Khorshidi, R., Nematimehr, M. Leisure and Culture-led Regeneration
a Conceptual Framework for Revitalization of Declining City Centers. Soffeh, 2016; 25(4): 91-112.