An Introduction to the Masterbuilders of Traditional Architecture

Document Type : مقاله کوتاه




ith the intention of recognizing the part played by the masterbuilders of our traditional architecture in perserving the culture of this land, SOFFEH intends to introduce these masterbuilders who although seem unknown , are familiar figures in the our architectural history .They are artists who learnt their craft in the traditional master and apprentice system. Those who are responsible for the creation of fine buildings in our land.Although they created outstanding buildings well known to the public ,like their masters, most remained unknown throughout their lives and therefore, kept the secrets of their art in their hearts.By introducing these masterbuilders to our students and those intrested in the traditional architecture of Iran, we hope to recapture the spirit and secrets of this craft. In this issue we intend to introduce one of the traditional masterbuilders of the city of Yazd.