An Explanation of Pedagogical Reservations to Respond to Emotional Requirements of Students in the Process of Teaching Architectural Design

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of architecture, urbanism and art, department of architecture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 Professor, faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran

3 Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The architecture student encounters extensive emotional challenges in design studios, which is due to complex interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships and the emotional aspects of training. The way to respond to these requirements involving people's emotional intelligence – their ability to understandprocess and use emotional information in the process of cognition and thinking –is influential in their learning. By explaining the importance of emotional intelligence, this study focuses on the design studio in order to improve learning. After identifying emotional requirements of students, it considers responding to these requirements depending on the application of emotional intelligence in two interconnected dimensions, and synergising 'regulation of emotional experiences' of students and 'developing their emotional skills' by design tutors. Since nurturing emotional skills aimed at improving learning requires a coherence of emotional education with design training, the utilisation of the potential capacities of design training and the internalisation of emotional teachings has been recognised.Also suggested is the development of these skills in a synergistic cycle by promoting learning in the design studio and through the application of indirect emotional training (based on reflection and practice) in the context of design training, and using methods such as narrative, communication, cooperation and emotional design. The results are presentable to design tutors in the form of recommendations to meet the emotional needs of students and strengthen their emotional skills.They show that the fulfilment of students' emotional requirements in the design studio depends on both the tutor's and the student's emotional intelligence, and that it takes the tutor's emotional intelligence and their attitude towards the importance of emotional issues in the design studio,to provide students with the opportunity to utilise their emotional skills.


Main Subjects

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