An Analysis of the Spatial Configuration of Iranian Hand-Carved Architecture through a Glance at Kandovan and Meymand, Using Space Syntax Technique

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Zarand, Kerman

2 MA, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman


Hand-carved (‘Dastkand’ in Persian) architecture is a specific genre formed in some parts of Iran and other regions in the foothills, without using any crafted materials and only by digging into geological formations. A highlight of Iranian architecture, it has managed to reach the status of a magnificent art, and hence the importance of studying its spatial arrangements including certain settlements built this way. The present study investigates the spatial arrangements of houses in Kandovan and Meymand villages. It also investigates influential spatial features of their layouts and compare them. Descriptive-analytical methods and simulation and logical reasoning have been used here. Also, library studies and on-site observation methods have been used as complementaries.
Five houses in Meymand and Kandovan each were randomly selected for this study, and Space Syntax software was used to analyse the plans of the two villages. According to results, the spatial syntax of the Kandovan and Meymand are very different, with the houses of Kandovan village having higher connection and interconnection and better performance. Also, Kandovan houses, like their more traditional Iranian counterparts, enjoy better articulation of private and semi-private realms due to their higher depth of space.


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