The Effect of Teaching Group Conceptual Mapping Method on Improving Creativity in Design and Problem-Solving Skills of Architecture Students.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch


Educational experts have long studied the effect of cognitive factors in education and learning and problem-solving performance levels. They believe that cognitive skills are the key to students’ success. With the right training, students can put the power of design learning in a specific direction. Concept mapping is one of the educational strategies used both for individuals and groups. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of group architectural training based on conceptual mapping in improving drawing skills, creativity and problem-solving strategies of architecture students. The Method used is a quasi- experimental design with pre-/ post-tests based on action research. The sample population was chosen from Islamic Azad University Hamadan. Torrance Creativity (1999) and Cassidy & Long Problem-Solving Style (2013) questionnaires were used and from drawing test. Students were randomly (15 person in each group) assigned to the experimental and control groups. Used experimental methods After Group of Eight meeting them and also used from Kolmogorov- Smirnoff test and Leven test for presumption calculation and for Hypothesis analysis from MANOVA. Results showed that teaching via group concept mapping method meaningfully and significantly increased the creativity and solving problem of students.


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