Historical Houses as Architecture Schools in aspect of Student Lived Experience; Case study: Tabriz Islamic Art University

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic Art University

3 MSc. Restoration& Rehabilitation of Monuments and HistoricalFabric, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, ShadidBeheshti University


According to experts, educational environments have undeniable effects on students' academic performance. Actually there is a direct relationship between the quality of educational environments, the extent of learning and student educational attainment. Although it's been twenty years since the first experience in the reuse of historic houses as architecture school in our country, however, the success rate of this action and the relationship between the quality of these spaces and students' education, has not been assessed. This article intends to evaluate the lived experience of architecture students in the reuse of historic houses as architectural schools, for example the impact of this action on the students' study in four levels, consist of physical, Perceptual- Semantic, Social and educational aspects. Structural Equation Modeling was used to finalize the research operational model of the research and to determine the relationship between the variables. The research results show that changing the function of historical houses to the architecture school at Tabriz Islamic Art University, despite there is some problems in providing of side spaces affecting education, it is a successful example of the student lived experience that, while preserving historical-cultural properties, it plays a positive role in student education.


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