Content and procedural analysis of the right to the city in the laws of the city and citizenship of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Accountancy, Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 MSc, Urban Management, Faculty of Management and Accountancy, Allameh Tabataba’i University


Citizens' rights are among the relatively new concepts emerging in the field of law, which became apparent with the Declaration of Human Rights and Citizenship of France in 1979, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2004 complemented it. However, in the last half century, with the introduction of a new reading of the notion of citizen by Lefebvre that it was regarded not as a citizen of a country but as a resident of the city, citizenship rights entered a new stage of evolution, which is the period of right to the city called. The main purpose of this article is to evaluate the content and procedural components of the right to the city in the laws of the city and citizenry of Iran in order to provide a detailed picture of the reflection of the concept of the right to the city and citizen in the laws referred to. The method used in this study is to qualitative directed content analyze. Based on the literature and theoretical foundations of the subject, the analytical framework of the research, the variables, dimensions, components and the resulting categories, and then using the same framework for analyze the laws that have been selected by sampling of known cases. For this purpose, 8 elective laws have been scored in 14 components of the analytical framework, which shows number 0.875 reliability analysis or opinion sharing among experts. The results of content analysis show that the constitution has the most content desirability and procedural desirability of right to the city and the law of definitions of frontage and limited area has the least desirability. The law of respect for legitimate freedoms and the protection of citizenship rights is also free from any observance of the right of the city. In general, the desirability of the laws examined is more procedurally than content desirability. Also, the dispersion of procedural desirability is low and dispersion of content desirability is relatively high among laws and there is no law that specifically perceives a citizen as a resident and not a citizen of the country.


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