An operational framework for explaining and measuring the indicators of The Urban Sprawl the city with the application of global experiences, case study: Urmia city

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University

3 Assistant Professor in Department of Art and Architecture, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University


Physical development of cities in Iran often spread out in the form of horizontal and fragmented expansion which resulted in the negative impacts and instability of cities in last decade .The Urban Sprawl known as an environmental phenomenon in the country and required to reflection to understand the effective factors strategies for managing it and moving toward urban sustainability. In this research we tried to study the existing global experiences and theories by determining the indicators Urban Sprawl the Urmia city explained and extent in different parts to make a solution to present sustainable city. For recognition nature of Urban Sprawl with Check out the different views, indicator of Urban Sprawl and technique of measurement and research method extract and match with Iran and Urmia conditions and 26 indexes have been selected. By studying the physical extension of the city and proving Urban Sprawl evidence area of city from the terms of desired properties divided to 39 homogeneous area and 26 index based on these area derivation form the various sources and with method of agent analysis in format of 7 main elements with 88.34 percent of various of outspreading explained, seamlessly take down with GIS in city area which form the five levels divided form so low to so much. Studying different area of Urmia form the representative indices show that weakness of user disorder and low density, the main activity space with least weight and importance. In the area which the points of factors in this higher (10-8) Urban Sprawl is so high (new developments contain 4-5-34-35 regions) and area which total points in these low (0-2) have a  lowest Urban Sprawl (old texture contains 18-19-20 regions) by creating interactive maps of Seven factors, approach of sustainability of city with moderating the effect of factors and prioritization of areas act and presented.


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