Comparison of Geometry and Drawing Method of Karbandi Vault Samples 10,12,14,16- sided Karbandis

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD.Student, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration, Art University of Isfahan

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration, Art University of Isfahan

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


The study of drawing methods is one for classification of geometrical theories of rib-works (karbandi’s) based on rectangles. The analysis of similarities and differences can reveal general and particular geometric structures of these karbandi’s. Comparative studies offer methods to analyse how and why there are underlying similarities between rectangular karbandi’s despite apparent differences. Various drawing methods are widely discussed by traditional Persian-speaking designers. However, drawings methods have not yet been used for comparative studies classifying theoretical geometries of rectangular bases. The present paper studies rectangular bases. Two widely used examples of square and non-square rectangular bases are selected in order to analyse and compare various drawing techniques and their associated views. The results show Pirnia’s and Bozorgmehri’s methods’ errors when it comes to rectangles in comparison with others’, that She’rbaf and Lorzadeh have not talked about karbandi bases and proportions, and that Pirnia’s method is more practical compared with others’, and easily executable through traditional means. It is also shown that Pirnia’s and Bozorgmehri’s methods are more easily applicable to larger numbers of karbandi’s.


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