Explaining the influence of Urban Elements on the Legibility of Mental Urban Image Using Eye Tracking Software

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc. Roozbeh Institute of Higher Education, Zanjan

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch


Present-day technologies have necessitated the legibility and mental wellbeing of urban environments. This is particularly of note in places of tourism and pilgrimage attraction, with the distance between urban nodes influencing people’s decision where to live. The present research acknowledges the influence of urban elements on legibility based on users’ opinion, library and applied studies, and statistical analyses. Among objectives are a study of satisfaction and mental wellbeing resulted from the sense of legibility and security, and their effect on choosing living places. Eye-tracking software is used here for location-finding and spotting urban nodes. The research offers optimised design methods for urban elements and nodes, and also explores the relation between neurosciences and environmental sciences. It is hoped that this will play a role in improving both physical and mental aspects of urban design, and prompt other researchers to further explore the relation between neurosciences and urbanism.


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