The Structural Typology of the Main Spaces in Isfahan’s Historical Housed with A Central Yard in Terms of Their Plan

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate, Faculty of Art, Architecture and Town Planning, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad Branch

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Conservation, Isfahan University of Art

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art, Architecture and Town Planning, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad Branch


The use of physical principles has always been seen as influential in designing various historic buildings. Bearing in mind the significant history of building houses, it is important, therefore, to study physical characteristics, including those effective in protection of their residential function. Central to this paper is the belief that the main spaces of a house are positioned and designed with geographical directions and the courtyard elongation in mind. Referring to theoreticians of the field, it is clear that there are a range of viewpoints addressing the matter including those of historiography, spiritualism, philosophy, health and sociology. The present research adopts a physical typology approach focusing on the plans of main spaces in multi-aspect houses of Isfahan. This is done using on-site data collection as well as data from documents and libraries, and also structured interviews with experts and master-craftsmen. The analysis is focused on house layouts. The work starts with on-site surveys, followed by interviews with master-craftsmen, conservation specialists, long-time residents of houses, and library studies. This is followed by a formal typological classification analysing recurring features. Studies show that the direction of a courtyard’s longitudinal axis is effective on its layout and spatial organisation, with climatic features such as radiation and courtyard dimensions coming second. Whether the courtyard’s elongation is north-south or east-west is, therefore, effective in the layout.


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