The Integrated Assessment of Actual Spatial Equality in Access to Essential Urban Facilities Using Multi-Criterion Spatial Assessment (the Case of Ardebil)

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

2 MSc Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


The planning of spatial development through distributional equality in urban spaces provides realisation mechanisms for social equality. At the core of spatial equality is an attention to equal distribution of essential urban facilities, which in turn requires simultaneous attention to both spatial and non-spatial access criteria; in other words to ‘actual access’ based on real needs, on top of potential access based on density and conglomeration criteria. The aim of this research is to find analysis methods for spatial equality in Ardebil through an integrated assessment framework, with an emphasis on the concept of spatial equality.  Furthermore, and in order to also taking actual demands into account, a mechanism is defined to combine demands by various age and educational groups using the access criterion. In order to do so, the four districts of Ardebil are assessed using new geographical analysis methods including improved two-stage influence domain method to assess potential spatial access to public transport, and three-stage influence domain method to assess potential access to educational, healthcare and cultural facilities, as well as multi-criterion spatial assessment methods and statistical analysis. The findings confirm that in terms of integrated spatial equality, the city’s District 1 is of higher deprivation rate—both in potential and actual demand. The output of this integrated model can easily be demonstrated and interpreted to support the decision-makings of urban planners.


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