Analysis of Potentials in Architectural Flexibility

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran


Flexibility was naturally realized in the general approach of traditional architecture. With recent advances in technology, various approaches to flexibility have been developed that are somewhat confusing. The principal question of this research is about the fundamental potentials of flexibility, and whether they could be used to analyze and organize the various flexible design approaches. The research objective is, therefore, the recognition of potentials to render a clear context according to which the different approaches could be analyzed. In this paper, the general concepts and potentials of flexibility are first reviewed, and three fundamental potentials are introduced as, ‘soft connection,’ diversity and multiplicity of spaces,’ and ‘multi-functional place.’ Each of these potentials addresses one aspect of flexibility: the first one refers to space connections, the second one refers to the number and scale of spaces, and the third one refers to the internal qualities of spaces. It can be stated that these potentials are not conflicting, but are rather complementary, and that their simultaneous realization represents a comprehensive approach to flexibility.


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URL1: Flexible Housing, Retrieved April, 2010, from