Urban Design, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University
This paper considers the role of gender in urban planning. The basic theories on gender philosophy are first reviewed to clarify the nature of gender representation in the urban space. The potential of urban planning interventions to improve the urban environment in response to the needs of all social groups is then assessed.It is demonstrated that although gender differences are based on the natural differences between the two sexes, they are defined in a certain historical, cultural and social context. It is argued that a common representation of gender in space is ‘segregated space’—a hierarchic defense system to demarcate private and public domains. Its concluded that the interaction of urban space and gender requires a multidisciplinary conduct, a pluralistic approach and universal planning criteria. It would then be possible to create a balanced gender-sensitive urban space.
مدن یپور، علی. طراحی فضای شهری: نگرشی بر فرایندهای اجتماعی مکانی، ترجمۀ فرهاد مرتضا یی، تهران: شرکت پردازش و برنامه ریزی شهری، ۱۳۸۴
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