The Role of City Council in Urban Management The Case of Soltanieh, Zanjan Province (1998-2007)

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University

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Islamic City Councils were established in 1999 as democratic institutions in urban management. This study tries to assess the efficiency of the city councils since their establishment. Drawing on the theory of good governance, the following components were assessed: participation, transparency, accountability, rule of law, and effectiveness. Some 98 citizens and 15 city councilors who served in 3 periods of office were selected. Two different questions were used for citizens and councilors. The results were quantitatively analyzed. The adoptions of the city council were also qualitatively analyzed.It was shown that the external factors undermining the role of councils were: limited authority, inadequate funding, and sphere of influence overlapping those of governmental organizations. The internal factors included a lack of knowledge about urban development and inability of councilors in having strategic visions.

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