Participatory-Based Management in Territorial Management

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


Participation is a key concept in decentralization processes. The degree of peoples’ involvement in making decisions affecting their lives is extensively discussed in respective literature. This paper first reviews the definition and levels of participation and reviews the prerequisites and challenges in its promotion. Based on a comparison of diverse participation typologies, it is concluded that each political/economic system supports only those participation typologies that conforms to its own doctrines. A comprehensive participation model is then presented by reviewing a case in Denmark in 1970s. It is concluded that: i) people can decisively participate at all levels of decision-making including long-term, metropolitan and territorial areas; ii) effective participation relies on the open attitude of public managers and planners; iii) complex problems could also be discussed provided enough time and information are available; and iv) participatory processes can play the role of an intermediary between people and public authorities.

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