Application of Urban Rhythms in Urban Design Process The Case of Jolfa Quarters, Isfahan

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 M Sc Student, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan University of Art

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Isfahan University of Art


Urban rhythms are recurring routine patterns in temporal use of urban space. There are two major categories of urban rhythms: spatial rhythms and everyday rhythms. This paper attempts to describe urban rhythms and their application to assessment of urban problems and needs. To this end, everyday rhythms in a summer week are investigated using a phenomenological approach in the historic Jolfa Quarters, Isfahan City. Data for this investigation is collected through interviews to record users’ time budget. Behavioral settings are also analyzed through simple observation and photography records. The results indicate that the diversity of social and cultural rhythms is a major factor in attracting population to this historic Quarter. Behavioral settings that accommodate unplanned social interaction create a collective community memory. Therefore, the interactions of everyday rhythms with spatial rhythms form a complementary contrasting compound of multi-rhythm urban space as the main constituents of Jolfa Quarters identity.

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