Assessing the Pedestrianizing Process in Streets

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


Closing streets to vehicular traffic and converting then to walkways,
i.e. the pedestrianizing process, has become a fashionable trend in
many Iranian cities—irrespective of how successful this experience has
been. There is no consensus however, on how such streets should be
selected or what are the outcomes expected. This paper tries to develop
a hierarchical analytic framework for assessing walkways, reduce their
negative impacts and improve their quality. To this end, a qualitative
research methodology is employed based on evidence. The required
data was collected through a study of technical texts, semi-structured
interviews with 5 specialists, and interviews with some 30 residents,
storekeepers and users in 3 walkways in Tehran. A content analysis of
this data demonstrates that certain factors have a strategic priority over
intrinsic criteria, such as economic and administrative aspects and user
benefits. The intrinsic criteria which are prioritized include: the potential
to attract pedestrians, the potential for provision of mixed functions, and
the feasibility of closing the street to vehicular traffic.

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