Launching an Integrated Policy-Making Structure Opportunities and Obstacles in Applying a Collaborative Approach in Tehran Metropolis

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

2 PhD Candidate, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


Urban planning is an attempt to integrate diverse and usually conflicting interests. Nevertheless, since stakeholders compete solely for their respective sectoral interests, many urban problems are not resolved in the planning process leading to a deadlock in key planning areas. As a metropolitan capital, Tehran faces a similar situation with multiple stakeholders, both at national and city levels, who influence the implementation of its urban master. This research attempts to assess the feasibility of applying a collaborative approach to the urban planning process in Tehran. For this purpose, it aims at (i) identifying opportunities and barriers for employing this approach; and (ii) analyzing their impact on the feasibility of this approach. The research is conducted in four stages. In the first two stages, a literature survey is undertaken to develop the theoretical and conceptual framework for intervention. The third stage uses a variety of analytical techniques including selection of critical case, qualitative content analysis and force field analysis. The fourth stage stipulates methods for promoting the collaborative approach in the planning process at three levels: city, district and neighborhood. As a result, two research areas of ‘Integrated Policy-Making Structures’ and ‘Collaborative Approach’ are detailed and methods for their integration are proposed. Another achievement of this research is employing force field analyses, the application of which in this area has been very limited .

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