Urban Transformation and Constancy

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran


Urban transformation is the transformation of the collective memory occurring steadily in a city in line with demolition and reconstruction of its urban spaces. All civilizations are the result of, and subject to, evolution and replacement in diverse socioeconomic and cultural practices caused by intrinsic innovative processes. Therefore, cities acquire an anthropological nature. The experience of urban space thus becomes an anthropological experience; an experience of human mental interaction with surrounding environment; a simultaneous experience of space, time and place; a unification of individual and collective memory; an experience of unconscious cognition rather than conscious scrutiny; and citizens’ collective and individual sensual perceptions. The anthropological experience of a city in fact recapitulates a description of urban civilization as crystallized in time and space, its continuous gradual transformation and at the same time, its inherent constancy.

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