Theory Types in Architecture

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology


A review of architectural history demonstrates willingness on part of architects to theorize. Nevertheless, due to its particular nature, the form of architectural theory is different as compared with other disciplines. Despite being influential, architectural theories have rarely been formulated in an adequate theoretical format in the past—they are more theory talk than theory proper. Only recently have architectural theoreticians have tried to develop an architectural theory with an epistemological approach rather than the former ontological treatment. Notwithstanding their immediate explicit differences, these recent theories implicitly share some key principles. A review of these theories demonstrates that they all employ two types of normative and positive theorems. These theorems dynamically interact with, support each other, and form the final format of the architectural theory in question. Validity assessment of an architectural theory thus includes an assessment of its positive and normative aspects

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