Sustainable Livelihoods Framework A Strategy for Household Empowerment in an Informal Settlement, Islamabad Neighborhood, Tehran

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Earth Science, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Faculty of Earth Science, Shahid Beheshti University


Informal settlements are among serious challenges of urban management, especially in developing countries. The origins and characteristics of each informal settlement vary in different parts of a country—even in different parts of a city. Similarly, the approaches to this problem also vary from neglect, demolition and eviction to upgrading and empowerment. Since mid 1940s, facing this phenomenon, urban management in Iran has also followed these approaches in dealing with informal settlements. The adoption of the National Policy Document on Enabling and Regularizing Informal Settlements in early 2000s, has significantly contributed to establishing a constructive approach to this problem and stimulating upgrading initiatives across the country. Nevertheless, in many cases these initiatives concentrate on the physical aspect rather than addressing socioeconomic issues.
With a comprehensive view to the lives of the inhabitants of such poor settlements, the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework [SLF] provides a more appropriate approach towards empowerment and socioeconomic improvement of these households.
Employing the SLF approach, this paper attempts to assess the assets of the residents of Islamabad Neighborhood in Tehran. All assets including human, financial, physical, natural, and sociopolitical capital are considered. The results of the field survey indicate the inequity in these assets as well as their decrease due to the vulnerability of the resident households. On the same basis, recommendations are proposed for reducing vulnerability and increasing the capital of the residents.

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