Landscape Place Attachment

Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

2 M Arch, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

3 BA, School of Art and Architecture, Shiraz University


This research attempts to determine those landscapes and landscape properties, which stimulate place attachment. To this end, a series of unstructured interviews were held with some 160 respondents from Shiraz and Tehran. There was an even distribution in terms of gender, age, and education in the sample. In these interviews, open questions were asked on:
          Type of landscapes in which the respondent feels internal ecstasy;
          Examples of landscapes the respondent feels them to be sublime;
          Types of landscape which are fit for certain functions or feelings such as contemplation, privacy, reclusiveness;
          Example of landscapes favored by the respondent;
          Degree of predilection for Modern parks and/or Persian gardens;
          Type of house preferred by the respondent; and
          Landscape elements that carry symbolic meanings.
Answers to these questions were recorded and subsequently coded for statistical analysis. In conclusion, factors which cause the respondents to like or dislike a certain landscape were classified in functional, aesthetic-experimental; and environmental categories.

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