Physical Retrofit of Historic Fabrics: Qazvin Historic Fabric

Document Type : مقاله کوتاه


Post-Disaster Reconstruction, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


Historic fabrics include valuable information on the course of their evolution—sometimes in exceptional natural surroundings—and demonstrate unique spatial arrangements and structures that are typical of the successive stages in their history. Nevertheless, many of these fabrics are vulnerable in a disaster, which necessitates their retrofitting. Retrofitting historic fabrics is not only comprised of physical interventions to strengthen important structures, but also includes improving the resilience of its inhabitants. Located in a seismic area, Qazvin City has witnessed strong devastating earthquakes. This paper proposes recommendations for retrofitting the historic fabric of Qazvin by both increasing the seismic resistance of structures as well as building capacity, trust and motivation in the community of inhabitants for conservation of their historic fabric.

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