Features of Persian Islamic Architecture

Document Type : مقاله کوتاه


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


Despite extensive research and abundant literature on Persian Islamic Architecture, the attributes, which create the serenity of this architecture, are still unexplained. This paper attempts to elucidate some of these attributes through an architect’s interpretation from different viewpoints: an earthen architecture; an architecture of interiority; double-faced architecture; an architecture of courtyards; an architecture linking closed and open spaces; an architecture of semi open spaces; an architecture with a complete story; an ornate architecture of order; an architecture of balance and poise; an architecture of fluency and candor; an architecture of non-directional space; an architecture of diversity and harmony; the architecture of ceilings and roofs; an architecture of sumptuousity and delicacy; an architecture of colorful patterns; the similarity of components and the whole; an architecture fostering light; an architecture accompanying water; calligraphic architecture; and poetic architecture.

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