The Architecture of Saqqa-nefar Structures

Document Type : مقاله کوتاه


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology

2 Restoration and Conservation, Art University of Isfahan


The Architecture of Saqqa-nefar Structures
Restoration and Conservation, Art University of Isfahan
Saqqa-nefar is a two-storey timber or partially-timber structure used during Ashura event, which is celebrated each year on the anniversary of martyrdom of Imam Hussein and his supporters. The main ceremony is held in another building called Takiyeh. A Saqqa-nefar is usually erected in front of the Takiyeh in commemoration of Abolfazl, Imam Hussein’s heroic brother. Younger generation thus sits in the Saqqa-nefar while the elderly prefer the Takiyeh. The first floor of Saqqa-nefar is open on four sides, while the ground floor may be partially closed depending on its location. These structures demonstrate a synthesis of vernacular architecture of Northern Iran with that of Shiite religious rituals.

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