Restoration of Persian Gardens

Document Type : مقاله کوتاه


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Conservation, Art University of Isfahan

2 PhD Candidate, Faculty of Conservation, Art University of Isfahan


The Historic garden is an expression of the direct affinity between civilization and nature, and as a place of enjoyment suited to meditation or repose. As such, it acquires the cosmic significance of an idealized image of the world—a “paradise” in the etymological sense of the term. At the same time, historic garden is a testimony to a culture, a style, an age, and often to the originality of a creative artist. The architectural composition of the historic garden includes several elements, among which its topography, vegetation, structural and decorative features, and water are key elements. In maintenance and conservation of a historic garden, all of its constituent features must be simultaneously treated. Since the principal materials of a garden are natural, its conservation becomes a challenging task. This paper reviews these challenges.

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