Aims and Scope

"Soffeh" is a Persian (Farsi) word stands as an architectual term. "Soffeh" in Persian architecture refers to a type of raised platform or terrace typically built against a hillside or elevated area. These structures were common in traditional Persian gardens, providing a vantage point for relaxation, contemplation, and enjoying scenic views. "Soffehs" were often adorned with decorative elements such as intricate tile work, carved stonework, and lush vegetation, creating serene and aesthetically pleasing environments. They were also used for social gatherings, poetry readings, and other leisure activities.

"Soffeh" is a journal on Architecture and Urban Planning."Soffeh" Journal covers all studies related to the present and past of architecture and urbanism, nationally and worldwide. It accepts submissions by all experts in the following areas. The journal scope includes but are not restricted to, the following areas:

  • Spatial and Regional Planning
  • Urban Planning and Design
  • Landscape Architecture and Land Planning
  • Architecture
  • Interior Design
  • Building, and Historic and Cultural Places Conservation
  • Post-Crisis Reconstruction

Articles may have one of the following types & approaches:

  • Theoretical Principles
  • Theories
  • History
  • Case Studies
  • Criticism of Theories, Methods and Works
  • Education
  • Theories’ Application Research
  • Construction, Implementation and Management Methods and Techniques

It is recommended that any article’s type & approach is clarified upon submission.