"Soffeh" in Persian architecture refers to a type of raised platform or terrace typically built against a hillside or elevated area. These structures were common in traditional Persian gardens, providing a vantage point for relaxation, contemplation, and enjoying scenic views. Soffehs were often adorned with decorative elements such as intricate tile work, carved stonework, and lush vegetation, creating serene and aesthetically pleasing environments. They were also used for social gatherings, poetry readings, and other leisure activities.

Soffeh is a journal on Architecture and Urban Planning. The journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed quarterly journal, owned, managed, and published by Shahid Beheshti University since 1990. The journal covers all studies related to past and present architecture and urbanism, nationally and worldwide, and has been a reference for scholars interested in architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and design, project and construction management, post-disaster reconstruction, restoration and historical studies of architecture. We are also honoured to be awarded the title "the best art publication" in the fourth High-Profile Researchers’ Festival, and looking forward to further future achievements.

Journal Title

Soffeh Journal








Hamid Nadimi, Ph.D.


Persian with English abstracts

Plagiarism Checker

iThenticate, Samimnoor (Persian)

Peer Review Policy


Article Processing Charges

No APC (Free)

Average Review Time

4 Months

Acceptance Rate


Owner & Publisher

Shahid Beheshti University, Iran.

In Collaboration With

Iranian Scientific Association of Architecture & Urbanism


Current Issue: Volume 35, Issue 1 - Serial Number 108, March 2025